Cultural Marxists Take Over College Campuses - In The Tank #447
Download MP3Alright. We are live, ladies and gentlemen. Over the past week or so, student led protests have essentially taken over college campuses across the United States, demonstrating on behalf of the pro Palestine movement. The radical rhetoric, the disruption of classes, and the crack down by police have stirred up a lot of attention on this matter, but many important aspects are being ignored. Who's funding this movement?
Donald Kendal:Where are the true intentions of this protest? And how are these factors affected by the upcoming presidential election? Join us as we talk about all this and more on episode 447 of the In the Tank Podcast.
Donald Kendal:Alright. Welcome to the Think podcast. As always, I'm your host, Donald Kendall. And joining me today, we've got the full crew. We've got Jim Lakeley, VP at Heartland Institute.
Donald Kendal:How are you doing today, good sir?
Jim Lakely:I'm doing just great. Thank you for asking. Although I'll probably be be doing less great as the podcast, goes on because 2 of the videos that we are gonna play today, triggered me. One of them, I actually wanted us to play. The other one, Donnie insisted that we play.
Jim Lakely:So, trigger warning for myself and all others who are annoyed by BS.
Donald Kendal:Yeah. It's Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris singing a duet. So get ready for that one. No. I'm just kidding.
Donald Kendal:Also joining us, we have Justin Haskins, director of the Socialism Research Center here at the Heartland Institute. How are you doing today, good sir?
Justin Haskins:I'm doing very well. Thanks for asking. Yeah. Alright. Good.
Jim Lakely:That's it.
Justin Haskins:That's all I got. I know. I know. I know. You're waiting.
Justin Haskins:You're waiting for something. I don't I don't
Donald Kendal:Yeah. I was waiting for you to, like, talk about our sponsors or something like that or
Justin Haskins:I'm I'm a little more refined today. I'm trying to dress it up. I'm trying to be a little more professional.
Donald Kendal:Yeah. He's got court later. Also joining us, we have Kevin Stalgo, editorial director here at the Artland Institute. How are you doing today, good sir?
Chris Talgo:Doing pretty good. I think we should just get right to it, Donnie.
Donald Kendal:We have a lot to think about. We do.
Chris Talgo:We do.
Donald Kendal:Before we get into it, I do have that message that I say at the beginning of all of these podcasts that if you're listening to the audio only version of this, you're probably catching the show on a Friday or later. If you are, leave a review for us on Itunes. That'd be greatly appreciated, and maybe you should consider joining us a day earlier on Thursdays at noon CST. Oh, man. Central time where we are live streaming this on Facebook, YouTube, Rumble, x.
Donald Kendal:You could join the conversation, throw your comments and questions in the chat. Maybe we'll show your comments on the screen. Maybe we'll address your questions on the fly. You could also help us out in a number of ways. 1, we have super chat functionality enabled.
Donald Kendal:If you wanna support the show that way to guarantee your comment or question is read on air. Or, you can just, you know, hit that like button, share this content, subscribe if you haven't already, or leave a comment under the video. All those things help break through those big tech algorithms that prevent content like this from being shown to more people. But, like I said, we've got a lot to talk about. I do have a, Davos watch segment for the end of the episode, assuming we have time.
Donald Kendal:I think we'll make time. Haven't done Davos watch in a month or so, so gotta get back in the saddle of doing that. But before we talk about any of our main topics, do you remember, back in 2022 when the Department of Homeland Security was putting together the disinformation governance board? I think that we and others refer to it as the Ministry of Truth. This agency was very short lived.
Donald Kendal:It suffered through a firestorm of public criticism before being either disbanded entirely or more likely folded into an existing agency or wing of the Department of Homeland Security. But do you remember the lady that was tapped to be in charge of the disinformation governance board? Oh, you don't remember? Don't worry, we have a video that should jog your memory. Go ahead and, go ahead and play that.
Donald Kendal:Great clip.
Nina Jankowicz:Is really quite ferocious. It's when a hopster takes some lies and makes them sound precocious by saying them in congress or a mainstream outlet so. This in Rudy Giuliani shared that in Tom's song, you cried how you hide a little hide a lie when Rudy Giuliani shared that in terms on Ukraine. Or when TikTok and fluences say COVID can cause pain. They're laundering to sinful and we really should take note and not support their lies with our wallet voice or vote.
Donald Kendal:Okay. We could stop it there. Jim, did you wanna hear more?
Chris Talgo:I think she's pretty talented.
Donald Kendal:Oh, you did? Okay. Let's go ahead. Oh, oh, dang it. Never mind.
Donald Kendal:I'm still having trouble. There we go.
Nina Jankowicz:By saying none in congress, where mainstream market service, information's origin seems slightly less atrocious.
Justin Haskins:Oh god.
Chris Talgo:I wonder if she wrote those lyrics or not. Do you think she did?
Donald Kendal:That lady, that's the lady that was put in charge, or as I like to call her, weird Gail Jankovic, singing a rendition of the popular Mary Poppins song reworked to be a song about disinformation. You know? And you didn't and you thought maybe we didn't tap the the best and brightest to be in charge of important bureaucratic positions in our federal government. Well, if you missed her, don't worry because she is back, folks. She is going to be heading the new organization called the American Sunlight Project, a new disinformation tracking organization based out of Washington DC.
Donald Kendal:So, Justin, how excited are you about this? Do you think she's going to follow-up her hit single of 2, 2022 with a new song? What do you what are your thoughts on this story?
Justin Haskins:Anything is possible. That's that's what I've learned. Anything is possible with the with the, the Biden administration and where they drag these people up. I don't know. I know that the sunlight project or whatever we're calling this, whatever it's called, that is, not part of the Biden administration.
Justin Haskins:So they've they threw her out. They didn't welcome her back in. So, naturally, she started her
Donald Kendal:own organization.
Justin Haskins:Sadly, she'll probably make 1,000,000 and 1,000,000 of dollars because that's how this seems to go. There is it seems to be an endless slush fund of money or authoritarian think tanks. So that's, you know, that's fun. I think the most disturbing part of all of it, though, really isn't the even the disinformation board part because that's just assumed that that's what they're doing. Of course, that's what they're we know that they're doing that.
Justin Haskins:I don't even know why they need a special disinformation agency. I thought they just called that the FBI, and don't they work with the, you know, all the big social media company? Like, isn't that already a thing? Do do we need a new agency to or it's just redundant. I don't think we need that.
Justin Haskins:The most disturbing part, though, is the amount the the ego that you have to have to write that song and put that script together and then put the video together video record yourself. Watch that back. Watch the video. Look at it. Evaluate yourself and say, this is pretty good.
Justin Haskins:I'm gonna put this out to the that the level of ego you need to have to do that is so off the charts. I don't know why we're throwing a picture of Alex Jones. So off the charts. So off the charts that that honestly, it's like this it's we've we've it it it shows you how insane, not just the government has become and the kind of people that they find for the government, but just like the time in which we live, where this is this is somehow I mean, I know that she it was embarrassing, and she ended up not being, you know, picked for this job. But it wasn't really because of the singing.
Justin Haskins:It was because of the disinformation board thing. You know? Mhmm. So, I mean, the fact that this person can be a prominent person can act almost have position of power, can create a think tank that's probably gonna bring in tons of money, 1,000,000 and 1,000,000 of dollars, I'm sure. It's, you know, it's a sign of the decline of America.
Justin Haskins:It really is. Well Now with that said, it's wildly entertaining, And so I am I do I am rooting for another song.
Donald Kendal:You need do you want us to play the song again? Because we could play the song.
Justin Haskins:I mean, we could
Donald Kendal:No. No. No. We'll no. It's like the song.
Donald Kendal:We're gonna lose all of our viewers. You
Justin Haskins:lose me.
Donald Kendal:So according to according to their website, because their website is live. According to their website, they focus on work in 3 areas. Number 1, expose deceptive information practices and the networks and money that drive them. Number 2, educate the public about the threats we face and the effects of disinformation on society. And 3, engage with policy makers to return truth to our national discourse.
Donald Kendal:So, I mean, I'm personally very interested, in just like this topic in general because I do think that mis and disinformation is a big problem and one that will get worse with the increased use of AI and deep fake technology. But I wonder, can I really count on the American Sunlight Project to track down the Chinese global propaganda network that we covered pretty extensively on episode 434, of our show? Or or should I expect them to expose the slanted, liberal media depictions of prominent right leaning figures, or should I just expect them to run cover for the different corporate media narratives and fact checking anything that comes out that's critical of the Biden administration. What do you think about this, Chris? Should I should I hold my breath, or should I expect them to be just, you know, partisan hacks?
Chris Talgo:The latter. And, so here's here's my big problem with this. This woman was one of the biggest of, you know, vocal proponents of anyone who was questioning, the COVID, mandates, the face masks, the vaccines. And, gee, now we know a couple years later, a couple years after the fact that everything that they were telling us and everything that she was supporting was actually totally wrong. Face mask didn't work.
Chris Talgo:Social distancing didn't work. The 2 weeks to, you know, bend the curve to stop the spread did not work. And probably most importantly, their obsession with getting Americans, quote, unquote, vaccinated, because this is not a vaccine, it just is not, actually did a lot more damage than, probably helped people. And just just a couple days ago, AstraZeneca came out and admitted that their vaccine for COVID, which is not a vaccine, actually, is is causing, rare blood clots for certain people and death. So everything that we were saying in real time, which they were saying, no.
Chris Talgo:That's not true. That's misinformation. That's disinformation actually was true, and everything that they were saying and she was saying, turns out that it was misinformation, disinformation, or what I like to call actually lies. So I am just so sick and tired of these people saying we're right. You're wrong.
Chris Talgo:And then after the fact, when the when the facts prove that we were right and they were wrong, it's like there's there's never any accountability. If she would come out and say, you know what? I am really, really sorry. I had all that COVID stuff wrong. Please forgive me.
Chris Talgo:I would actually say, wow. They kinda seem like they're genuine. But, no, they never she has never, not once, admitted that all the stuff that she was saying under the, quote, banner of preventing misinformation, disinformation was actually itself misinformation and disinformation. It's it is it is mind boggling to me.
Donald Kendal:Once she came out and apologized for all those things, but to the tune of, like, a Michael Jackson song, would you accept that?
Jim Lakely:I would.
Justin Haskins:Wait. I would.
Donald Kendal:I would. Jim Jim, I mean, I don't know. Thoughts thoughts on this? I mean, do you do you think that this this project is gonna be, anything close to what it could be, which really is something that I think is needed, like this idea of tracking down mis and disinformation and dispelling that and all of that sort of thing. But, like, come on.
Donald Kendal:Like, my knee jerk is that this is just gonna be partisan hackery. What do you think?
Jim Lakely:Actually, it's not needed. We've not needed this in our country for our entire history, and it's only because the Marxist leftist commies that have risen to power in the Biden administration that this was even entertained. I mean and so, of course, they go into the private sector where she'll be able to grift from, wealthy Marxists to donate to her nonprofit, make herself some nice coin. But it is always these, you know, dystopian, almost, not almost, un American outfits that call themselves something like the American sunlight project. And it's always the opposite of what they actually do.
Jim Lakely:Because the biggest purveyors, by far, the the the the biggest purveyors of misinformation and disinformation is our legacy media and our government, ruling class in this in this country. And it is podcast like this, and it is, frankly, social even social media and Twitter and other places where you get the counter spin to the endless parade of lies that we are fed by our government and by our our legacy media. So, I mean, even their mission says is to expose deceptive information practices and the networks and money that drive them. That's number 1. That's their number 1, objective.
Jim Lakely:It's, like, great. Those networks are CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS. So that's already been identified. And the money that drives them are the advertisers on those networks. So look, you don't even need to put up a, a whole new organization to figure that out.
Jim Lakely:You know, Nina Jankowicz is a is an East German apparatchik with a happy song in her heart. And so, you know, she even embraces she embraced the moniker of the Mary Poppins of disinformation. Mockery is what, this continues to deserve, but we should also have a wary eye on this. Because even in the lead up to the election, Nina Jacobs herself called the hunter lapsed top story a fairy tale, and, of course, myths and disinformation. So we don't need any of this stuff.
Jim Lakely:I don't even care what China may inflict on our country or Russia or anybody else. In a free society with the first amendment that has any meaning at all, none of this disinformation, misinformation organizations, are necessary, because the American people are supposed to be trusted to be able to figure this kind of stuff out on their own. And instead, we have, operations in place from our government spokespeople to our legacy media whose primary job, it seems, is to misinform the American people. And if you only rely on those outlets to, you know, to to shape your perception of how the world really works. You were the one who was who was, a victim of disinformation.
Justin Haskins:My question is, is there anything that these folks have identified or alright. Let let me put it this way. Is there anything they can point to that was, like, a primary campaign slogan for the right or a major moral or social or economic or whatever battle on the right that they have definitively proven that the right's been wrong about over the past, like, 20 years. And the only thing I can think of really that the that the right would pretty much unanimous or not unanimously, but many people on the right would look at and say, yeah. There was a lot of things that were that we got wrong there.
Justin Haskins:It was like the war in Iraq. That's probably one of those things that the left, I think, feels like, yeah. We were right, and we've been proven right. You know? No weapons of mass destruction, that kind of thing.
Justin Haskins:Whether you believe that or not is a different issue, but that's definitely something. But I can't think of anything else, truly. And the list on the left is unbelievable. Like, just just since, like, the last 5 years. You know?
Justin Haskins:Like, it's been an unbelievable series of promises made by the left, predictions by the right about those promises being wrong, and the right being correct over and over and over and over and over again and not on small issues, on really important issues, as well as a bunch of less important issues. I mean, I I seriously I it sounds so partisan to say it this way because the the thing that everybody wants to do is say, well, both sides get things wrong. Yeah. Both sides do get get things wrong, obviously. But when it comes to really important big picture things, I really can't think of anything that I would look at and say, yeah.
Justin Haskins:The right way we're totally turns out we we thought we had it right, but you know what? We were completely wrong about that. And there's been some times too where it was, like, a little bit of a gamble. You know? I mean, COVID was one of those things.
Justin Haskins:I there's a lot of people on the right pretty early on when we didn't have a ton of data that was like, you know what? I don't think we should shut the entire economy down for this, and we should kind of play this out. And, you know, and they could have been wrong at that point in time. Some of those people. There wasn't a ton of data at the very beginning.
Justin Haskins:They could have been wrong, the people saying that, but they weren't. They were right. And and virtually every other major issue, it's been the same thing. And you can go back and look at the left. Sometimes it's they're lying, but sometimes the left is just flat out wrong.
Justin Haskins:I mean, the Obamacare. Right? Everyone's gonna save 1,000 of family. Average family's gonna save whatever it was, 20 $500 or something like that. If you like your doctor, you can keep it.
Justin Haskins:The the numerous numerous climate change predictions about what's gonna happen, over the course of that's going back decades decades decades, but they've been doing that basically every week for the past 20 or 30 years making new predictions. They've never come true. Almost none of them have been accurate. All the COVID stuff, completely a 100% wrong. The Trump tax cuts, they were a 100% wrong about that being only something that was gonna benefit the wealthy.
Justin Haskins:It turns out it disproportionately benefited in terms of percentage, saved the middle class and working class people. The the the list, all of the Joe Biden crazy things, that we could talk about, the way that they handled Afghanistan, that pull out, the transitory inflation, the fact that, oil prices and gas prices that they were coming down when we in reality, we knew they were just, you know, burning through all of our, oil reserves that they had or strategic oil reserves. Now all those are gone. You know, being tough on Iran, how is that worked out? You know?
Justin Haskins:And the the Middle East being peaceful, the Middle East being the adults in the room. You know? Donald Trump's gonna destroy the world. You know? Like, we could go on and on and on and on and on.
Justin Haskins:And, like, over and over and over again, what we've seen is that the people saying that you should trust us to give you the right answers are the people who almost never give you the right answers.
Donald Kendal:Sure.
Justin Haskins:So and and so at the very least, forget about just the general morality of the idea of a, you know, of the concept of a disinformation board. Like, even if they were accurate more often than not, I would still be opposed to it, like, on on on, you know, freedom grounds, on liberty, you know, for that perspective. But shouldn't you putting that aside, shouldn't you at least be required to get some things right occasionally before you put yourself forward as the people who should be the arbiters on getting things right?
Jim Lakely:I
Justin Haskins:Like like, that should be a prerequisite. You know? But it's not.
Donald Kendal:It's I'm I'm gonna watch her career with great interest. I am very curious of the things that they target because, like, I know like I said, I brought up that, like, Chinese global propaganda thing, you know, as much as, like, the Russia, you know, disinformation was kind of blown out of proportion in regards to the 2020 election or 2016 election. Like, that is a thing that's going on. There are plenty of countries out there that have agencies dedicated to sowing disinformation out there. So it's definitely, in my opinion, the thing that's needed.
Donald Kendal:I just don't trust this person to be in charge of it. But anyways, we gotta we gotta get on to our main topics here. So last week, a pro Palestine protest started in Columbia University when students took over the university's Morningside Heights campus lawn. Since then, the protests have spread nationwide. Essentially, identical protests have popped up in colleges across the United States, including Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, Ohio State, Emory College in Georgia, University of Texas, colleges in New York, Wisconsin, Arizona.
Donald Kendal:I don't know. Seemingly everywhere. Indiana,
Chris Talgo:the protests my alma mater.
Donald Kendal:There you go. The protests are demanding the that the academic institutions stop doing business with Israel or companies that are connected to the Israeli military's war in Gaza. I actually had to look pretty hard to figure out what their demands were because I don't think your average protester knows, but I found that in one of the articles that I was reading. The protests have been mostly peaceful, although there are rampant reports of these protests disrupting students' abilities to get to class. In some cases, the protesters have broken into buildings and taken over those buildings.
Donald Kendal:On some campuses, protesters and counter protesters have gotten into fights. Obviously, there is a police response in some of these cases. So, you know, I I use the the term mostly peaceful in quotes, generally speaking. But, Chris, I feel like you've been keeping a closer ear on, what's going on here. Can you kinda fill in the gaps of what I've left out?
Donald Kendal:Okay.
Chris Talgo:Well, first of all, this is not a organic grassroots student led protest like the 19 sixties where, students were protesting against the Vietnam War because they did not wanna go fight in a war that they didn't believe in. So let's just get that right off the bat. This has nothing to do with students, you know, protesting, for, you know, something that they truly believe in. What's actually happening here, and this is very, very apparent, is this is a coordinated effort from high above, the George Soros's of the world, the Tides Foundation, supplying money to their shock troops, their antifa, you know, shock troops, their, professional rioters, professional anarchists who are going into these places and setting up encampments. And and when you do when you look at the, like, the flyover, whether it's, you know, a drone or whatever, it's so it's so obvious that this is a coordinated, you know, nonorganic protest because all the tents are new.
Chris Talgo:This these are are literally catered. These are not students going in there with, you know, sincere feelings about really trying to stop what they might consider to be a genocide. That's not what this is about. This is extremely anti Semitic. I have been watching videos of this across the board, you know, from the University of Texas to my, you know, University of Indiana, Indiana University.
Chris Talgo:And these are, you know, professional agitators who are hiding behind students, and they are trying to, you know, just promote, pro Hamas, you know, pro terrorist, you know, anti America rhetoric. It is, Indani, in very many places getting somewhat violent, I would say. This morning, I was watching live coverage as the California Highway Patrol and some other California police, you know, forces had to go in there and dismantle a, I don't know what you call it, a, like, a, you know, plywood, you know, tent city, whatever. I don't even know. And they had to go in there and drag these protesters out.
Chris Talgo:Okay? So these are not a bunch of, you know, peace peace loving beatniks like it was in the 19 sixties saying, hey. You know, that war in Vietnam is a bad thing, and we shouldn't, you know, fight it. This is completely different. It's really it's really scary.
Chris Talgo:It's really shocking. The things that they are saying are vile. You know? I I won't even, you know, repeat anything because it's just disgusting. And, this is, you know, just, I think, what is the new norm on, on on American campuses.
Chris Talgo:This is, I think and I'm sure we'll we'll go into many elements and facets of this, But this is the, consequences of the long march through institutions, neo Marxism, cultural Marxism. They see through everything through the lens of oppressor and victim somehow, some way in their warped, you know, view, they have labeled, Palestine and Hamas as the victims, and Israel is somehow the oppressor. Even though on October 7th, Hamas went in and engaged in a mass murder of Israeli citizens, took 100 hostage. This is so backwards, so incredibly crazy. I can't believe this is happening in the United States of America in the year 2024.
Donald Kendal:Okay. According to one of our follower, one of our watchers right now, we are we are enabling genocide just by talking about this. So, you know, I want to tread lightly because, you know, our words are bullets, so we gotta watch out. But, yeah. He also says that what's so hard to believe or what's so hard to understand?
Donald Kendal:They're protesting genocide. And it's like, okay. So, like, the schools are committing the genocide? Like, that's what I'm trying to wrap my head around. If it's something like I said before, what their what their intentions are of trying to, like, stop the schools from having some sort of investment in the country that they perceive as being involved in some that I can understand.
Donald Kendal:Just protesting the schools and breaking into the schools and taking
Chris Talgo:Johnny, I I I'm sorry, but I I gotta, chime in here. So this this this guy, NJ says, so why did Hamas get a green light with a stand down? That is completely false. You're wrong. You have no clue what you're talking about.
Chris Talgo:Please stop spewing disinformation and misinformation.
Jim Lakely:Oh, there we go. Yeah. We need Nina Jackman. Literally.
Donald Kendal:Yeah. Let's start playing the song. Anytime there's disinformation, we're gonna start playing the song. So, Jim, jump in here. What what are your, what are your thoughts on the matter?
Jim Lakely:Yeah. Well, I mean, I I actually I wanna get to the, to the video that I that I played so we can get back to talking about, you know, the the nature of these of these protests and and what's going on here. And and, like, the the the title card of the podcast today says that cultural Marxists have taken over
Justin Haskins:our
Jim Lakely:college campuses, and, they have. They actually have been this is an ongoing project for decades. And I graduated from college in 1992. You could see the green shoots, if not halfway mature plants of the cultural Marxist takeover of our, academic institutions even then. You know, and and I'll just note that, you know, do you know where you don't see these sort of protests happening?
Jim Lakely:That's at trade schools where kids actually learn marketable skills for life. You know? I'm just saying that when you go to an elite institution, you seem to have a lot of, a lot of time on your hands. But, you know, before throwing it to Justin, and maybe we'll play play a video that kind of points out the absurdity of this, is that, this is done, and and I think it was on Columbia that, at least, if you wanna believe the mayor and a spokesman for the New York Police Department, said that the majority of the, what, a 100 kids that they had arrested at Columbia University for taking over and vandalizing that they were, basically professional agitators. And, a lot of you know, kids get into these schools for activism.
Jim Lakely:I was reading about another there was a pretty famous, I guess, and and maybe Internet famous student at Vanderbilt who, got arrested and was told that he was going to be expelled. And, he explained on his own x feed that one of the things that got him free ride to Vanderbilt, one of the most elite institutions in this country, was that he was a professional or not professional, but he was involved almost exclusively as his only activity outside of academics as an activist, as a left wing agitator. And that is what got the attention of Vanderbilt, and that's what got him into the school, presumably on a free ride. So our our our institutions in general from government to media, but especially academia have been taken over by cultural Marxists. The ones that were, agitating for revolution, the ones that were, fans of Mao and his little red book, Those people, when they were students in the sixties, are now in charge of all of these institutions, and they are attracting to themselves and perpetuating a, a fantasy of of Marxist revolution finally happening here in the United States.
Jim Lakely:And they've been training kids to hate their country and to and to, express that hatred violently whenever an opportunity arises. These are the helping to organize and perpetuate these things. And as Chris mentioned, you can see if you see, photos of these encampments in on these universities, it's amazing how many of the tents that they're staying in are exactly the same. You know, who did the mass bulk ordering of all the tents they needed at, at Columbia on Amazon or wherever the hell they got them? So, you know, this this is not surprising because what you're seeing now is the opportunity, the cultural Marxists who run these institutions needed to, foster some, you know, some you need you need a little bit little bit of violence and, and agitation every once in a while to keep the keep the troops happy.
Jim Lakely:And so that's, I think, mainly what's going on here because when you see interviews of these kids, they actually have no idea what the hell's going on over there in in, in the Middle East and in Israel. When they're chanting from the river to the sea, they can't tell you what river or what sea. And so these are these are young skulls full of mush, as Rush Limbaugh used to say, being corrupted, by the cultural Marxist that run these these universities.
Donald Kendal:Yeah. I just thought this is like an immersion class where you get to kind of LARP as a revolutionary for a semester or something like that. Like, I thought that was just part of the college experience. I think that's what half of these people are doing. But, Justin, lay lay it out for us.
Donald Kendal:What's your perspective on this?
Justin Haskins:Well so, I mean, I think there's so much a lot a lot of good points have already been made, and I think there's so much that could be said about how the education system has been completely corrupted over many, many decades. And what's the genesis of that, and why have people allowed it to happen? I mean, as frustrating as it is to watch and see this, it becomes even more frustrating when you realize that we're probably going to be paying all of these students' education bills at some point in the future, sooner rather than later, probably. And so, you know, it's it's absurd that it's absurd to me that Republicans, conservatives like like, we we get up here. We complain about this, and I think we're entitled to do that.
Justin Haskins:I think that there are many good arguments we're making. But, really, when you think about it, this was obvious that this was we were headed in this direction many decades ago as Jim pointed out. And although at Columbia, specifically, that's a private university, and there isn't a whole lot you can necessarily do from a policy making perspective to prevent something like this from occurring. I think it is completely absurd that Republican led states allowed their universities, their state universities, like Indiana is a good example. Chris mentioned that earlier.
Justin Haskins:University of Texas, we've seen a lot of these protests happen, To become breeding grounds for Marxism over the course of decades decades decades. Why did Republicans allow that to happen? Republicans control more, states than Democrats, and that's been true for a long, long time. And so why are all these big Republican state universities run by Marxists? Why did they why why did Republicans allow that to occur?
Justin Haskins:Why did policymakers not do anything about it? Republicans have been complaining about liberal bias on college campuses and the effect of that for a long, long time. So why haven't they done anything to fix it? And then you see things like this happen, and you say, well, this is just the natural, of, outpouring of decades decades decades of crazier and crazier people running these schools. Right?
Justin Haskins:And, again, Columbia is just one of the schools, and that's a private school. It's a different situation, but in all a lot of these schools are public schools in republican led states. And so I think republicans are at least partially to blame for the conditions that caused a lot of these things to happen because they never cracked down on any of it even though they had the ability to do so. And I think that's completely crazy. As far as the actual issue is concerned, I'll just very briefly say this.
Justin Haskins:If we take the assumption that really what's going on here because Donnie raised this question earlier, which is really a criticism of of these protesters saying, look. If you don't like what's going on in the Middle East, then okay. But what does the school have to do with it? It's not like the president of Columbia University is in charge of the Israeli military. So what what is the what is the logic here?
Justin Haskins:The the logic that the left has adopted, and we've seen this on climate with climate change a lot, we've seen this with a whole bunch of other issues, is they wanna make to raise awareness of an issue, they wanna make as many people miserable around them as possible because they think that by doing this, they will bring people to their side. Right? And so, you know, my favorite story, Donnie and I have talked about this a lot in the past, climate change. I forget what they're called, what the group is called, the ones that think that we're all gonna die. Like, specifically Extinction Rebellion.
Justin Haskins:Extinction Rebellion. You know, they glue themselves to things all the time. They're always gluing themselves. They glued themselves to a bank somewhere at one point. They glued themselves to transportation and the road and all this stuff.
Justin Haskins:The route to basically to to negatively affect other people's lives. Like, that's the point so that they can raise awareness to it. Like, you shouldn't just be driving to work, working your job, paying your bills. We're all gonna die soon, so I'm gonna glue myself to the road and force you to, think about that as a as a problem. Right?
Justin Haskins:That's the idea. So that's that's the leftist tactic. That's what's going on here. What's particularly insane about this is that in the case of climate change, if you believe we're all gonna die from climate change, well, then I guess it makes sense to glue yourself to things and to throw yourselves into roadways and all of that stuff. Because if we all are gonna die, then people need to be aware of it, and we probably should do something about it.
Justin Haskins:Right? I just don't believe the underlying assumption, so I don't believe what they're doing makes sense. In this particular case, though, the argument that's being made by these pro, whatever you wanna call them, Palestinian protesters, is that a genocide is happening. Okay? And that Israel is committing a genocide against the Palestinian people and that that genocide should is justification for us shutting down the world in order to call attention to it, to put pressure to it, to stop it.
Justin Haskins:Right? But their solution is, as it was mentioned by somebody earlier, from the river to the sea. Well, what is from the river to the sea mean? It means wiping Israel off the face of the map. Right?
Justin Haskins:That's what it means. So if you were to say, well, what Israel is doing, attacking a specific group, not all, Muslims, not all people of, of pow however you wanna say, Palestinian descent or whatever. There are people who live in Israel, who are who are Muslims, who have more in common with the palace you know, people of Gaza and West Bank than they do with with Jews. Right? If you're gonna make the argument that Israel, the nation of Israel attacking the government and military and, you know, a a country in essence, it's not really a country, but territory of Gaza, is akin to genocide, then it is equally true to say that calling for Israel to be wiped out is calling for genocide of the Jews.
Justin Haskins:So if we're going to play that game and say you can't attack the Gaza and people without it being a the the anywhere in Gaza without it being a genocide, then it's equally true to say that you can't call for the end of Israel without it being a genocide. So what we have is a protest both for genocide and against genocide simultaneously. It's just who are we committing genocide against is the is the issue with these particular people. And by that same logic, if and so from the from that perspective, it's just pure racism. There's no other explanation for it because the only reason they're okay with one kind of genocide and not the other kind of genocide is because one involves Jews and the other doesn't.
Justin Haskins:That's the only reason that I can think of. But putting even that aside, if we're gonna apply this logic of anytime one country attacks another territory or country and civilians die in the process of fighters being killed and targeted, that that is a form of genocide, then every single war that has ever existed on the face of the planet is genocide. That's what's that's essentially the argument that's being made. And the same logic applied to, say, World War 2. Right, when you had the Holocaust and you had Nazis mass murdering Jewish people, and then the allies come in and they and they destroy the the Nazis, and a lot of civilians die in the process.
Justin Haskins:A lot of cities are destroyed in the process. I guess that was genocide against the Germans. Right? Isn't that how the logic of it? And so and I guess that's that's I depending on whether you're pro German or not, I guess that would be good or bad.
Justin Haskins:This is the kind of logic that they're using, and and it makes absolutely no sense at all unless you look at it through the perspective of, critical theory. Like, this is the only way that any of this makes any sense at all. And it's the same logic that's used on the left for everything. Critical theory is the root of almost all ideological views that the left has today. And critical theory essentially, it's the same logic that says it's racism is wrong unless it's racism against whites.
Justin Haskins:Then it's okay. It's the same same logic. And and the root of of critical theory is that it is okay to oppress people who are viewed as oppressors in the past in order to fix an in a perceived injustice that has occurred at some point in history. Now that injustice might be real or that injustice might be made up, conjured up in people's minds. It it doesn't really matter to them.
Justin Haskins:The point is, if your if your goal is to fix a perceived injustice, you can oppress anyone you want. You can commit genocide against people. You go wipe a whole country out because they're the oppressor. And so so much of the ideology of the left is focused on this idea. You group people into a particular category.
Justin Haskins:You either make them the the villains or you make them the victims based on their version of history, which could be based in reality or it might not be based in reality depending on the situation, and then you get to do whatever you want to the group of people that's the oppressors. You can pretty much do anything to them. And and all of this, this whole concept of critical theory is all rooted in in Marxist thinking, which is why so many of us have been throwing around the word cultural Marxism when we're discussing all of these things. It's all based in that same idea. K?
Justin Haskins:Because read Karl Marx, read Communist Manifesto. You'll see all of the same the roots of all of these ideas are there in in Karl Marx. They were before Karl Marx too with other people who are leftist thinkers that Karl Marx borrowed from. So this idea has been around for a long time, and the problem with it is fundamentally this. At the end of the day, if you do not protect the rights of every single individual person, if you remove that from the equation and say, we don't care about individual rights, we care about grouping people into cat and categorizing people and then punishing some people and rewarding other people in accordance with our views of social justice, the end result is not I don't we don't have to speculate.
Justin Haskins:We know what the end result is because we've seen this play out thousands of times throughout history. You end up with actual genocide. You end up with actual people getting killed, actual people being thrown in jail, actual people losing their rights who literally had nothing to do with whatever the grievance is. That has happened so many times throughout the course of history. The holocaust itself was the root of that idea.
Justin Haskins:Okay? The Holocaust itself was based on that. The German people bought into the idea that the Jews were somehow, despite being the minority in society, the oppressors who are in charge of all these different things, banks and all these institutions. They're pulling the strings behind the scenes, and so they're actually the secret oppressors. And if we can just kill them all off, then we will raise up all of these people who are the perceived victims.
Justin Haskins:This never works ever, ever, ever, ever. No matter what you do, you end up eliminating people's rights. So this is why people who are on our side of pro Liberty people always take the view that you must start with the individual singular person and say that this person has fundamental human rights that cannot be violated because they do not come from government. They come from some place else, nature or God. And if you if you once you start going away from that, you end up with all kinds of insane things, and you end up down this extremely dangerous road.
Justin Haskins:And unfortunately, because the right has done such a horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible job of making sure that our educational institutions do not become breeding grounds for this kind of thinking. Our entire country is on the road to hell, and we are seeing warning signs constantly that say, you're about to enter hell, everybody. Time to change things. We gotta do something. And, unfortunately, we have yet to fix the problem.
Justin Haskins:And it is getting worse and worse and worse, and someday it will not just be people on a campus somewhere blocking students from going into the right building and breaking into buildings and burning down police stations and doing all kinds of crazy stuff that we've seen over the past year, different rules for different people, it's going to turn into actual violence. And at that point in time, I don't know if America can survive it. So for the love of God, people need to pay attention to this, take it seriously, and fix the underlying problem, which is these educational institutions being run by absolute radicals that would rather be king of the ashes and see America burned down to the ground than have a a country that values individual rights.
Chris Talgo:Donnie Donnie, I gotta expand a little bit on what Justin said because he just hit 50 nails on the head. First of all, in terms of this being a genocide on behalf of Israel, that could not be further from the truth. I have watched this this war, whatever you wanna call it, very closely. Israel has bent over backwards to make sure that they are preventing any, collateral damage from occurring in the Palestinian territory. They are dropping leaflets saying, we will attack this building because Hamas is here.
Chris Talgo:They are saying, please go south. Go this way. Get out of here. They are not committing genocide. That is just a complete and utter falsehood outright lie.
Chris Talgo:The genocide was committed on October 7th by Hamas when they went into Israeli territory and engaged in mass murder of unarmed civilians, including women and children. This is preposterous that these morons, these imbeciles, and if these college campuses cannot differentiate those two things. 2 other things on this, the mainstream media, because you know that I do watch a lot of it, CNN, MSNBC, all the usual suspects are decidedly on the side of Palestine and the protesters here. So that's, I think, just adding fuel to this fire and in social media. Social media is also adding fuel to this fire like never before because these morons who go and think that by watching a TikTok video for 8 seconds that they understand the history of Judea and Palestine and all this stuff, they have no clue what they are talking about.
Chris Talgo:And they're there more, I think, for the social media, aspects of this, taking selfies and pretending that they're cool, you know, cutting edge avant garde protesters. It could because that's that's what matters most to them. One other thing. I strongly believe that this is coordinated and that this is a dry run for what's going to be happening in October November because what they are doing here is they are using, you know, their social media communications channels to say, everybody, the BLM guys, the, you know, the the the Antifa guys, you know, all of you, get back together again. It's been a couple years.
Chris Talgo:You know? 2020, you really did a good job in that summer, making sure that, you know, the 2020 election went our way. Time maybe to do that stuff again. So I think this is absolutely a, you know, a dry run for what is to come at the Democratic National Convention in mid, August here in the Chicago, you know, area and what is probably gonna be coming, closer to, you know, cities all across the country come October November. Once again, Hamas, their entire reason for being is to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.
Chris Talgo:Some of these students, LGBTQ for Hamas, are you kidding me? Hamas will throw you off a building if you're LGBTQ. These people are complete and utter morons. Cannot say that strongly enough.
Jim Lakely:Say saying that oops. Oh, there goes. Donny has left. There he is. He's back.
Jim Lakely:Yeah. Donny's been having a little bit of Internet issues at his house. He's probably, you know, he's being attacked by people who are don't like what we're saying. But I don't know, Donnie, if you if you got the, if you heard the end of what Chris said, but he was calling the, the majority of the college protesters morons. I think that's a fantastic segue to the video that I have presented, prepared for today's show.
Donald Kendal:That that that seems fair. Yeah. Let's go ahead and see one of the kind of the lead spokes people of the Columbia protest going on here.
Johanna King-Slutsky:Why should the university
Chris Talgo:be obligated to provide food to people who've taken over
Johanna King-Slutsky:a building? Well, for first of all, we're saying that they're obligated to provide food to students who pay for a meal plan here.
Chris Talgo:But you mentioned that there was a request to that food and water be brought in unless I missed an
Johanna King-Slutsky:To allow it to be brought in. I mean, well, I guess it's ultimately a question of what kind of community and obligation Columbia feels it has to its students. Do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or crazy to say because we're on an Ivy League campus, but this is, like, basic humanitarian aid. We're on a it's crazy to say because we're on an Ivy League campus, but this is, like, basic humanitarian aid we're asking for. Like, could people please have a glass of water?
Nina Jankowicz:But they they did
Chris Talgo:put themselves in that very deliberately in that situation and in that position. So it it seems like you're sort of saying, we wanna be revolutionaries. We wanna take up this building. Now would you please bring us food, water, and
Johanna King-Slutsky:Nobody's asking them to bring anything. Every we're we're asking them to not violently stop us from bringing in basic humanitarian aid.
Chris Talgo:Stop humanitarian aid.
Johanna King-Slutsky:I we are looking for a commitment. It should
Donald Kendal:be air dropped. Will
Johanna King-Slutsky:not stop. We well, I don't I'm not I don't know to what extent it has been attempted, but we're looking for a commitment.
Donald Kendal:Alright. I got bringing up a question about Grubhub. Yeah. I know. Jim, yes.
Donald Kendal:You were lobbying very hard to play this video, so have at it, sir.
Jim Lakely:I was. And as Linnea said, in the chat there that, you know, having a having a a guy in a crop top who, you know, maybe looks non binary as her security and show of force is kinda like the chef's kiss for this entire, for this entire video. But, you know, as funny as that video is, I think everything in that video is what's wrong with America right now. First of all, the woman's name, she was the, apparently, the lead spokesperson or the leader of the group at Columbia that was, that taken over Hamilton Hall, Hamilton Hall. So the leader of the resistance, I suppose.
Jim Lakely:Her name is Joanna King Slutsky, and she's literally a PhD student, and she her dissertation involves Marxist poetry. That is not a joke. That is
Donald Kendal:all that all sounds like a joke. It all sounds like you don't read that from Babylon Bee. Is that
Jim Lakely:bossy, white female Marxist who is cosplaying revolution at an elite institution, and she expects no consequences for her actions because she's being trained to be part of the ruling class, and there's never any accountability for the ruling class. She also feels Columbia's obligated to feed them as they illegally occupy and destroy a building because they paid for a meal plan. Right? So the institutions that they are attacking and wanna bring down must follow all the rules and uphold the social contract, but the they don't have to do that. In fact, they wanna destroy it.
Jim Lakely:That's classic Marxist training right out of rules for radicals by Saul Alinsky. If she doesn't get her way, if Columbia doesn't live up to its obligation, its promise of a nurturing community for its students, they will literally die of dehydration and starve to death. So we have here histrionic exaggeration, which is one of my favorite things about left in in these sorts of protests. So, apparently, they've run out of Snickers bars and potato chips, that they stole from the vending machines that were inside the building. The the same ones that they put in front of the doors to barricade the doors, not let the cops in, in the building that they had violently vandalized.
Jim Lakely:And then she and she says that, you know what? We're only requesting the basic humanitarian aid. So here's this, woman of privilege who is appropriating the suffering the actual suffering of people who are victims of him him humanitarian crisis. So this this appropriation just goes, you know, just goes right off her back. No big deal.
Jim Lakely:She's status bragging, you know, by mentioning that we after all, we're on an Ivy League campus, so they deserve all the standard perks and luxuries that come, with their status even while conducting destructive and illegal occupation, of property that they do not own. Right? And we also have some gaslighting. I mean, this is all in a 1 minute 19 second, clip. Gaslighting.
Jim Lakely:5 seconds. 5 seconds after demanding that the university deliver food and water, she denies that she demanded the university, deliver them food and water. And so but the university not allowing the revolution to be catered is actual violence, but students smashing windows, pushing, and hurting Jewish kids away, even knocking a Jewish girl unconscious in UCLA, which is what happened. That's not violence at all. That's just righteous speech.
Jim Lakely:And she also lied. She said the university is violently stopping the DoorDash guy from delivering avocado toast and vegan Thai dishes to them, I suppose. And then right after saying that, she admitted, well, actually, they hadn't done that yet, Columbia. We we just want an assurance that they won't violently stop us from, you know, ordering from DoorDash or something. You know, and these people these people at these elite universities, they see themselves as our betters.
Jim Lakely:They're the people that go on about late stage cap late stage capitalism on social media on their iPhones and want to bring about the end of capitalism faster. And so we have, this Marxist revolution fostered on these college campuses. And it's been, like I said before, it's been going on for decades. And it's only really now. This is one of the good things about these campuses being torn apart, is that normies, normal people who do not pay attention to this stuff the way we do, are starting to wake up to it and to the danger that these people that are well funded and are professional agitators actually pose to our country.
Donald Kendal:Hey, Justin. Do you have any problem with kind of, like, the response to some of these protests? Like, I know that some of these colleges have said, like, you know, they have, like, the right to say, like, no. The protesting and what's going on here is a trespassing. Therefore, the authorities are gonna come in and break it up.
Donald Kendal:Like, I understand some of that, but I feel like there is some response that's just kind of, like, almost like coming in and cracking down on what is in some of these cases, like peaceful protests. I know that there are some orders in, like, Texas, from, like, the governor crackdown because of, like, anti Semitic speech. And, like, just lately, I think a bill just passed the house that's, like, targeting specific speech that's gonna be considered anti Semitic or something like that, which some of these kind of freedom caucus libertarian type representatives are saying there's an infringement on the First Amendment. I mean, do you think that, like, maybe the response to some of this is going a little far? What do you think?
Justin Haskins:Yeah. I mean, I would say that anything that has to do with the limit on speech is, unless that speech is very specifically calling for, violence, I would say, unless, that is the case, then I think any limit on speech would be, you know, probably unconstitutional if it's if it's being, imposed by a government. And so I would be completely opposed to that. Columbia University is a private university, and so they're not the government, and they have every right to crack down on speech if that's what they want to do. A public university would be different.
Justin Haskins:They actually, I I don't think, could make that argument, at a public university.
Chris Talgo:So I
Justin Haskins:think it would depend on the circumstances related to that. I would say that even at a private university, other than calling for violence, and, unfortunately, in a lot of cases, as I mentioned earlier, when you say from the river to the sea, you are calling for violence. That's what that means. It means wiping out the nation of Israel. Now maybe that's okay.
Justin Haskins:Maybe you're okay with that kind of that kind of speech because you're talking about maybe going to war with a specific nation, and, you know, I don't think anyone would have a problem with people saying, you know, we should go to war with Iran or something like that. I I don't think that would be ever banned on a college campus necessarily. Although, who knows? Maybe it would. But I I I so so I think that there's a it's sort of a depends.
Justin Haskins:But I do think that they're like, that you mentioned the bill that was just passed by the house of representatives. I mean, I think it absolutely goes too far. I think it absolutely goes too far. I don't think that the the government should be restricting people from speaking freely unless it's calling for violence, very specifically. And so I have a real, real problem with that.
Justin Haskins:With that said, the, I think that a lot of people are conflating the freedom to speak freely with the freedom to speak freely wherever you want, and those are not the same things. You don't have the right you don't have a free speech right to take over a street and speak freely in the street. Like, that isn't a free speech right. That that's not how that works. So I I think that, you know, you you have the right to speak freely.
Justin Haskins:You have the right to assemble. You have the right to protest, but it has to be done in an orderly way, which means you have to get a permit in the case of public protests and things like that. You have to get a permit in the case of if you're having a protest or a big assembly or something in the case of a public university or something. And if you're not doing that, and they aren't, and you're just disrupting other people's lives, and in some cases, cornering people, intimidating people, which is a crime that'd be harassment. You know, I think that those things absolutely should be stopped.
Justin Haskins:And so I I what I really don't like when these kinds of situations happen is you sort of get people, like, group into 2 camps. The people that don't like the protests end up there's a certain segment of society that ended up just saying, like, let's throw the book at them. Let's silence them. Let's punish them in every way imaginable, and they get what they deserve. And then you get other people who are like they become absolutists where where oh, well, they yeah.
Justin Haskins:If they wanna call for the genocide of Jews, like, they should be allowed to do that. Of course. You know? And it's like, obviously, neither of those things is the right the right approach. I think a reasonable approach is is in the middle.
Justin Haskins:We have you have free speech rights, but you don't have the right to harass people. You don't have the right to disrupt the flow of traffic. You don't have the right to take over bridges. You don't have the right to trespass. You don't have the right to break into buildings.
Justin Haskins:You don't have the right to, harass individual people or assault them or threaten to assault them or anything like that. You don't have the right to do those things just because you don't like a a war that's going on in a foreign country or even a war that America would is involved in if that were to be the case. And so I I think there needs to be some balance here, and I'm very disappointed, frankly, although not surprised, that there are some people on the right who are taking this sort of absolutist position against anti Semitic speech by saying we're just gonna we're gonna now crack down on speech because that speech is bad. Well, I think that speech is bad. But bad and good are in the eye of the beholder, which is why you have free speech.
Justin Haskins:You know? And so, as Elon Musk says, like, if you're not protecting speech that you find offensive, then you're not you know, then you don't really have free speech in that society. So up until the point where you're calling for violence, there should be we should be a nation that allows for absolute free speech in the public square without quest without a doubt. And so I do think that there are people who have gone too far, and I hope that they reverse course soon because, as you mentioned, the house of representatives have passed that legislation about anti Semitic speech. Who knows what's gonna happen in the senate?
Justin Haskins:This could actually become a law soon, and I think that that's really, really bad. You know? Probably unconstitutional.
Chris Talgo:What what, frustrates me the most on this specific example is that I can remember scores of examples in the past few years where students are handing out constitutions or declarations of independence, copies of those documents on on some of these, public and private universities have been told, you can't do that. That's hate speech. So there is such a double standard that is being applied here. If you are coming from a rightist perspective, if you're coming from a libertarian or a free market perspective, you can't say whatever you want on college campuses. Of course not.
Chris Talgo:However, if you're coming from a extreme progressive left wing Marxist perspective, you have carte blanche. You can do whatever you want. You can say whatever you want. It is such a double standard. That to me is really what's what what is, you know, the so, like, irksome about this is that what they're saying is one side has free reign to do whatever they want, say whatever they want, even take over, you know, parts of our campus.
Chris Talgo:The other side, they can't even hand out a constitute copy of the constitution because that's hate
Donald Kendal:speech. And
Chris Talgo:those 2 things those 2 things just cannot jive.
Donald Kendal:I I wanna just get final comments here because we're already at an hour plus. I know that I promised, that I would do Davos watch, but my Internet connection, I know that as soon as I'm halfway into it, it's gonna, like, cut out or something like that. So, unfortunately, we're gonna have to delay that. Maybe I'll cut a separate video from this podcast and post that, independently from, today's episode. But, yeah, Jim, any any kind of final comments on maybe this free speech thing?
Donald Kendal:Because I I just kinda wanna reiterate, you know, something that Justin said where it's like whether or not some of these messages can be repugnant and all of that. You know, cracking down on speech that you find repugnant, is just kind of opens the door to a a terrible precedent, unleashes a genie out of a bottle that you're not gonna be able to put back in. But comments on that or any other thing that we've talked about so far before we wrap up the episode?
Jim Lakely:No. I mean, 100%. I mean, the first amendment doesn't exist to protect speech that people agree with. It exists to protect speech that people do not agree with or even a vast majority of people would not agree with. And if you if you, don't adhere to that principle, because you are repulsed by what somebody says, then you really don't support the first amendment.
Jim Lakely:You have to learn to live with that. You have to learn to counter that with more speech and not and not ban that sort of speech. I'm a 100% foursquare against any kind of speech bans whatsoever. You know, of course, there are there are very, very minor exceptions to that, and and and Justin went over a few of those. But, you know, in principle, you have to allow speech that you don't like, and that's especially challenging sometimes, but it's what the First Amendment means.
Jim Lakely:And then secondly, I would just add that, Linda and Luke in here in the comments, you know, mentioned that all of these things, a lot of the stuff that the protests are doing is already illegal, and the problem is that the law is being applied differently to activists and agitators on the left than they are from to people on the right. I mean, the left is right now, it must be what is it? A 100 college campuses where this sort of violence is happening and and disruption and vandalism is happening. You know, I could think of 2 prominent examples of this happening on the right, and they were 2 isolated incidents. One of them, of course, being, let's just say early in, in 2020 at in Washington DC.
Jim Lakely:And then, you know, there's the incident that Joe Biden said spurred him to run for president, which was a lie, of course, but, you know, but Charlottesville. Right? And so these incidents, happen on both sides, but the vast majority of this and it's professional, and it's organized, and it's purposeful. Its purpose is to sow as much chaos as possible in society, and that really only happens on the left. And, our legal system, I think, to be considered legitimate by all of America needs to treat needs to treat agitators that break the law equally on all sides.
Jim Lakely:And I'm I don't think we're gonna see that here. I guarantee we're not gonna see that here in these, in these university protests.
Donald Kendal:Alright. Thanks,
Chris Talgo:Danny, can
Donald Kendal:I just Go?
Chris Talgo:Chime in the There
Jim Lakely:should be a lot.
Chris Talgo:2 things. Yeah. So, I remember when the Tea Party protests were, happening in, the Obamacare, years, and they were called racist, and they were called all these terrible things. The the the difference between what was happening from in the Tea Party protest, what's happening on college campuses today could not be further apart. So I love how the mainstream media was denigrating those protests, but giving these guys a free pass.
Donald Kendal:Yeah. Just on that just on that point. Yeah. It's like I know that a lot of these tea party protests, they would, like, leave the protesting grounds cleaner.
Chris Talgo:Clean it up. Right. Right.
Donald Kendal:Then when they got there, it was like the old, like, boy scout rule of, campgrounds and all of that. And, like, I I was saying this before we even recorded. Like, like, I'm a pretty, you know, principled, ideological person. I'm, like, a whole host of different issues, And, like, I'm struggling to think of, like, one topic that I would find it appropriate to, like, you know, chain myself across the street and prevent people from getting where they wanna go. Like, I just don't know what line that is for me, where I would be where I would find that, like, justifiable action.
Donald Kendal:But, alright. Go ahead.
Chris Talgo:Okay. And then my my second thing, PCU, a great movie made in the early 19 nineties about college craziness. That was a parody made in the early 19 nineties with Jeremy Piven and some other great actors. David Spade was in it. If you told me that in the year 2024 that this would actually have done college campuses, I would have said you are so crazy off your rocker.
Chris Talgo:I can't even believe you would even think that, yet here we are.
Donald Kendal:Yep. Alright. Well, we are already long here, so I wanna thank everyone for joining us for this episode of the in the tank podcast. Please join us every week for a new episode. If you you are an audio only listener catching this probably on a Friday or later, leave a review for us on iTunes.
Donald Kendal:That'd be greatly appreciated. Or you can, join us a day earlier on Thursdays at noon where we are live streaming this on Facebook and YouTube and x and Rumble, and you can join the conversation, throw your comments and questions in the chat. Maybe we'll show your comments on the screen. Maybe we'll address your questions on the fly. You can also help out the show just by doing a couple of things that won't cost you more than a couple of seconds.
Donald Kendal:Hitting that like button, sharing this content, subscribing if you haven't already, or just leaving a comment on the video. All helps break through those big tech algorithms that prevent content like this from being shown to more people. If you'd like, you can follow us on x at in the tank pod, or you can send us your comments and questions to the show by emailing us at in the tank podcast Jim Lakeley, where can the fine people find you?
Jim Lakely:Atjlakeley on Twitter x, at heartlandinst on Twitter x, and always visit
Donald Kendal:Fantastic. Justin Haskins, same question.
Justin Haskins:They can go to They can also find me on Twitter and x and all that stuff at justin c haskets.
Donald Kendal:Fantastic. And, Chris Talgo, what do you have to pitch today?
Chris Talgo:A PCU the movie. I think everyone should go and watch that movie because I think it'll I think it'll give everyone just a little bit of a respite from this craziness. Go laugh a little bit. It's a really funny movie. That's that's what I'm
Donald Kendal:gonna play this weekend.
Justin Haskins:I don't think I literally don't think anybody has mentioned that movie in all of America in at least 20 years. So good job, Chris.
Donald Kendal:Great way to end it. Alright. Thank you all for tuning in. We will talk to you next week.
Chris Talgo:He's a lion dog faced pony soldier. He's a lion dog faced
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